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Please, Help Reduce
Global Warming
Plant a Tree Now
In face of ever increasing urbanization, we Earth Matters have always been alive to environmental concerns. It is our intention to give back as much, if not more, as is being taken through the rigorous development process. The landscaping and greening of the area around all development projects is indicative of our endeavors in this regard.
We are concentrating in the Industrial areas of Mysore such as Hebbal, Metagalli and Hootagalli. Project ‘tree plantation’ is born because hundreds and thousands of trees were felled for developing an Industrial area. Planting a tree means 4 ton less CO2.
E:\New folder\Mahima\upcoming activities\plantation.bmpPlant and Gift, a Tree for nature and future
The program – Plant and Gift a Tree - Recognises the importance of trees and aims to expand the citywide green cover, reduce air pollution and the associated risks, and involve the local populace and bring people closer to nature.
To achieve this, we believe in planting trees in those areas that are devoid of them.
Own a Tree Now
Plantation of 1 sapling with guard – Rs 750/-
We will mention the Donors name on the guard
We inform you where the plantation is done

We take care of plants for six months
